Credit management legal audit
Through our regular work with household name businesses, we have found that there is almost always a case for tightening up some aspects of the contracting and credit control procedure.
However successful your business is and however good your credit control procedures are, the chances are you could still end up with some bad debt write-offs.
The occasional bad debt may be unavoidable in your industry and the reasons may be nothing to do with your credit control policies and processes. We can work with you to add a legal viewpoint and help you to identify any areas of risk, however minor; even a 1% improvement could add £1m to the bottom line of a £100m turnover company.
Whether as an added value service for our clients or a standalone project, we can work with your key credit and finance personnel to provide a bespoke report on the areas of strength and potential improvement within your credit risk, contracting, credit control and debt recovery procedures.