Treating customers fairly

Treating customers fairly is at the heart of our approach to debt recovery. We recognise and appreciate that we are dealing with people, and that each person is different. We also strive to represent our clients, protecting their brand and reputation, as best we can, and recognise the way in which we treat customers and deal with vulnerable customers will reflect on them, too.

We aim to act with integrity and to treat others how we would like to be treated, operating always with 3 key objectives in mind – Openness, Honesty, Transparency.

As an SRA regulated firm, we adhere to the SRA code of conduct which states:

  • “You do not unfairly discriminate by allowing your personal views to affect your professional relationships and the way in which you provide your services.”; and
  • You do not abuse your position by taking unfair advantage of clients or others.”

Our staff are trained to recognise vulnerability and ensure that customers are treated fairly. During customer communications, staff will have a full consideration of any vulnerabilities discussed or alluded to. This information enables them to recognise any potential issues, and act appropriately and compliantly whilst undertaking payment plan negotiations.

Once we become aware there are challenges with affordability, we will commence conversations surrounding payment plans, which will help to better understand the customer’s current financial position.

We will never ask a customer to pay something they cannot afford, and instead will work closely with them create an effective payment plan that works for both parties. In addition, we will encourage the customer to seek financial and legal advice together with appropriate support where necessary.

Vulnerable customers

Treating vulnerable adults with due care and consideration is important to us.
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How we handle complaints

Find out more about our process when it comes to managing customer complaints.
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Contact us

For support with debt recovery or expert litigation, please fill in the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.